IT may be an NCAA Division II program, but there is nothing second-rate about the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association, the nation's oldest Black athletic conference.
The first hint comes when you read the titles of the books on Aileen Baumgartner's desk: Reporting Vietnam, Democracy in America, Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre.
Pet Phobia - Fear is a natural feeling, people can fear different things all the time and this fear can be a result of any circumstance.
College Freshman How to Get Over Homesickness - Whether you?re a freshman or a senior, studying abroad or going to college in your hometown ? it?s natural to have a period of adjustment when you leave home.
Trends in Private Commercial Space Business - In 2005 we watched SpaceShip One win the ten million dollar X-Prize and we saw the beginnings of the privatization of space with Aerospace Legend Burt Rutan and his team, with billionaire backers such as former Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen and.
The Importance of Safety Equipment - In the modern industrial environment it is more important than ever to make sure you have adequate safety equipment in place.
Pearls a Smart Fashion Decision - Pearls have been called ?The Queen of Gems? and have been historically far more prized than any precious metal or gemstone.
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