IT may be an NCAA Division II program, but there is nothing second-rate about the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association, the nation's oldest Black athletic conference.
The first hint comes when you read the titles of the books on Aileen Baumgartner's desk: Reporting Vietnam, Democracy in America, Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre.
For many organizations, the call to write a mission statement yields a document that is placed in a desk drawer while business proceeds as usual. But,
Stationary Exercise Bikes for NASA - Should we go ahead and put stationary bikes in all the spacecraft, space station and Lunar Bases? Recently the concept came up in an online think tank when one member suggested that we hook them up to charge batteries too.
Artificial Intelligent Birds - Currently there is much research and development and prototype testing of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Online Degrees - Online education has given an entirely new dimension to
Bachelors Degree Requirements - An integral part of all bachelor?s degree programs is general education, which includes liberal arts and sciences, communication, natural sciences or mathematics, humanities, and social science.
Trends in SmartDust - In 2005 significant strides were made into the miniaturization of micro mechanical electronic sensors and the concepts for smart dust are expanding in possibilities and the possibilities are shrinking in size.
UUV RFID Tagging of Sunken Ships - As we label and track all the space debris orbiting our planet, we too need to tag and track all the human debris scattered on the ocean floors.
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