IT may be an NCAA Division II program, but there is nothing second-rate about the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association, the nation's oldest Black athletic conference.
The first hint comes when you read the titles of the books on Aileen Baumgartner's desk: Reporting Vietnam, Democracy in America, Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre.
For many organizations, the call to write a mission statement yields a document that is placed in a desk drawer while business proceeds as usual. But,
How Too Be Fully Prepared For Class - These six steps will help you prepare for class and as a result, you will become more and more confident every time you enter the classroom.
Creating an Inclass Cable TV Network - Ever wonder if you and your students could create your own TV news show? Would you like to have announcements and school/class information available to students all class long? Would you like to avoid those students who were absent constantly asking.
Small Ways We Can Make A Difference - We don?t often think about the powerful effect our words and actions can have on others, but every now and then, the universe decides to show us.
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