

Choosing Right Answering Techniques

Choosing Right Answering Techniques The commonest fault in any written work is a failure to keep to the point and inability to answer the question completely. When you write an answer you are engaged in an assessment of what is relevant. What does the examiner expect as an answer? Most people do not think about this seriously enough and believe that more verbiage is better than less - the opposite is the case. The shorter a piece of written work is, the more critical thought has been applied to writing it and the sharper it is.

Moreover the examiner or tutor can read it more easily and with less effort. Here are some points to remember while answering a question paper: - · Do you write to read yourself in examinations? Your script must be legible to be understood by the examiner. · As you plan and draft your answer, think about what you should leave out as much as what you should put in. and a lot more . For details please visit http://www.

lulu.com/content/207853 http://www.lulu.com/content/206787 http://www.lulu.

com/anilkumar .

By: Anil Kumar

Career Education

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